Indian Navy- Subtotal:
- $130.00
Source: Ahoy, Journal of the Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala (Autumn 2021 issue)
Oh God, help me through this day, in work and play to keep myself
Physically strong, mentally alert and morally straight.
Reinforce my quest for knowledge, integrity and leadership.
Help me uphold the honour and dignity of the Academy and the officer corps.
Kindle in me the loyalty to the principles of the academy that places all issues above
Personal considerations and eschew any compromise with vice and injustice.
Guide me to live my life to the fullest in realization of my true self; to always measure
up to the high ideals of my chosen profession of arms.
Inspire in me to triumph as a considerate victor in every game of life, be it mere sports or
life’s higher struggles and help me sight opportunities even in the failure.
Give me the physical strength for those who need protection, strength of character to
lead the men I have the honour and privilege to command, to be concerned for those who have
led their faith in me.
Let me know no fear when truth and right are in peril. Imbibe in me the courage to
suppress all seeds of cowardice and fear in my heart.
The courage to face and overcome my own doubts and prejudices;
the fortitude to defend the right and shun the wrong.
Grant me the courage for honest dealing and clean thinking to spurn hypocrisy and all pretense.
And above all the courage to preserve the honour and dignity of my country against external
aggression and internal disorder, even to the peril of my life.
Indian Navy